Indonesian Technocrat University Best campus in Lampung Collaborating with Indiana University Alumni Online Learning in Higher Education

  • By
  • 18 November

Bandarlampung, – The Indonesian Technocrat University in collaboration with the Indiana University Indonesia Alumni Foundation held an online International Webinar using ZOOM Meeting on Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 19.00-21.00 WIB.

The International Webinar with the theme “Online Teaching in Higher Education Smart Practices from Indiana University (Online Learning in Higher Education: A Smart Example from Indiana University), was attended by 269 participants, there were also participants from the UK, Vietnam and Thailand.

Webinar participants from Indiana University alumni from various countries and Indonesia as well as lecturers from the Indonesian Technocrat University, one of the best private universities in Lampung. Delivering remarks, namely; Director Office of Online Education Indiana University Chris J. Foley, MA, MFA, EdD and Chancellor of the Indonesian Technocrat University Dr. HM. Nasrullah Yusuf, SE, MBA. Keynote Speaker, Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia Prof. Ir. Nizam, MSc, DIC, Ph.D.

Meanwhile, the speakers are Julia Sanders, MA, Associate Director for the Office of Collaborative Academic Program at Indiana University. Webinar Moderator Dhiny Novianti, Vice President of the Alumni Foundation of Indiana University Indonesia (YAIUI),

From several speakers as stated by Chris J. Foley, online learning at Indiana University has been carried out since three decades ago. With the Covid-19 pandemic season, the application of online learning is more intense. Almost all study programs ranging from engineering, medicine, science have now started doing online learning.

To optimize online learning, the speakers prepared carefully. Preparations that must be made include interaction. Interaction in online learning by lecturers can facilitate students with reading resources. Student interaction with students must exist by holding discussion forums. Lecturers are expected to provide time to explain to students. In addition, lecturers can also provide online consultations for students.

Lecturers can also provide learning modes. Synchronous mode is real time and Asynchronous mode is a learning mode that can be repeated.