Indonesian Technocrat University Students National Champion of 2020 Muria Scientific Competition Writing Competition

  • By
  • 23 November

Bandar Lampung, – Students of the Indonesian Technocrat University (UTI) as one of the Best Private Universities in Lampung won second place in the 2020 Muria Scientific Essay Competition, some time ago.

The Student Team of the Computer Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science UTI, consisting of Tri widodo, Ady Chandra Nugroho, and Ryan Puji Cahyono successfully passed the selection stage and competed with several well-known universities in Indonesia.

Rektor Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. HM. Nasrullah Yusuf, SE, MBA, mengucapkan selamat atas capaian yang telah diraih Mahasiswa UTI program studi S1 Komputer tersebut. Dengan berhasil meraih juara II tinggkat Nasional, diharapkan dapat semakin memotivasi kedepannya untuk meraih yang lebih baik lagi.

“These students won 2nd place at the National level in the 2020 Muria Scientific Competition, with the title Scientific Work Minimizing the Spread of Covid-19 with Ultrasonic ACTO,” he said, Thursday 19 November 2020.

With the supervisor, Mrs. Damayanti, M.Kom. the team held an online competition held by Muria Kudus University.

“Although it is carried out online, the students’ enthusiasm and perseverance in competing are very maximal. So they managed to win the competition, by having successfully passed various stages of selection,” he explained.

As Team Leader, Tri Widodo admitted that he was very proud to be able to win second place nationally. And able to make the name of the Indonesian Technocrat University proud as the Campus of the Champion.

“We struggled through the selection stages which were followed by various well-known universities, starting with the creation and delivery of essays for 2 weeks in last September, and making presentations on November 15, 2020,” he concluded.