Lecturer of English Literature at Indonesian Technocrat University Conducts PkM at SMAN 1 Semaka

  • By
  • 18 November

Tanggamus, – Lecturer of the English Literature Study Program, namely Suprayogi, S.S., M.Hum. and Samanik, S.S., M. Hum.,

Carry out Community Service (PKM) activities at SMA Negeri 1 Semaka, Semaka sub-district, Tanggamus Regency with the topic “English Speech Training” or English speech training for English Club students of SMAN 1 Semaka.

The Speech Training activity was chosen because it suits the needs of the English Club students themselves, where they quite often participate in provincial level English competitions but have difficulty in obtaining learning resources. This is in accordance with the background of teaching experience of PKM implementing lecturers where both are English speech trainers for UKM Teknocrat English Club (TEC) students for regional, national and international competitions.

This activity is planned to take place in 8 meetings and is currently entering the third meeting on November 8, 2020. During this pandemic, the meeting is held via zoom and whatsapp group. The activity begins with an explanation of the current trend of speech competitions and common mistakes that occur in the contestants. The next activity is a pre-test speech where participants are assigned to make a speech text, display it, and record it. The video recordings were then assessed one by one. The lecturer then gave a presentation on how to build ideas in a speech. The students were enthusiastic to work in groups to try to draft a speech. This activity is also fully supported by the English Club Extracurricular Supervisor, Andi, S.S. and Principal Sumarno, S.Pd.

Video conferencing and WhatsApp technology are currently very helpful in carrying out remote activities where students can still communicate in two directions in this activity. Even though the signal was hampered several times, the students were still motivated to learn.

PKM activities are routine activities carried out by English literature lecturers every semester as part of the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education.