PKM Team of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia , Assists Miss Mojito Lampung’s Digital Marketing UMKM

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  • 19 August

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Lecturer at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, the best private university in Sumatera to help micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM). Through the Community Service (PkM) program, chaired by Muhtad Fadly, SE., MBA, MS.Ak, Akt, FEB lecturer, he helps UMKM players by utilizing digital marketing Using the AIDA Model for Optimizing UMKM Marketing at MissMojito Lampung.

This activity is the Community Partnership Program (PKM) of the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Directorate General of Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Funding for 2021.

Grant Program from the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Directorate General of Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, one of which is the Community Partnership Program (PKM).

This PKM aims to increase competitiveness. Stabilization of MSME Marketing Strategies to the community in Digital Marketing Competition in Community Service activities led by Muhtad Fadly, SE, MBA, MS.Ak, Akt, FEB lecturer and 2 lecturers as members, namely Suaidah, M.Kom , and Debby Alita, S. Kom, M.Cs., a lecturer in FTIK at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.

Our partner, MissMojito Lampung, is a business under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in the micro-enterprise category, MissMojito is engaged in the sale of beverages: soda, coffee, tea, milk and food: fried potatoes, noodles, and fried chicken. MissMojito, led by Mrs. Deniati, was established on May 6, 2019. The location of this business is strategically located on the side of Jalan Suakardi Hamdani No. 2 Labuhan Ratu, Bandar Lampung.

Chairman of the PkM, Muhtad Fadly further explained, this PkM is a grant from the DRPM Ministry of Research and Technology / BRIN RI in 2021. This activity provides positive benefits for MSMEs, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“On this occasion we would like to thank the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, especially the Chancellor and the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia LPPM Team for their support so that we can obtain grant funds and can carry out this PkM activity well,” said Muhtad Fadly.